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Small Drywall Repair


Your son decides to play samurai warrior in the living room and just as he is about to make the final victory blow to the evil Emperor Zorg, the sword makes a hard right, yep, right into the wall. The best part is that you have your in-laws over for dinner tomorrow night!

Ok so there’s good news, and some…not so good news.

Depending on who you are, the perception of good news and not so good news in this case may vary, I’m going to assume everyone is like me and give you my view as the “good news” first! We get to go shopping!

Here’s what you need:

Drywall Knife

Drywall Saw

Utility Knife

Joint Compound

Adhesive Backed Drywall Patch

Sand paper: 150 grit sanding sponge works great for me

Scrub Brush (for texture)

Paint: you should have an extra can of the paint that was used on the wall before, but if not, take a piece of the wall you cut out to Lowes and get them to make a paint match, you should be able to get them to make a sample size amount, but it’s always good to have an extra can laying around for incidents anyway.

You’ll probably want to lay down a big cloth or blanket you don’t mind getting ruined. (you can get a drop cloth at the store too)

And the most important supply is MUSIC! Your gonna need a good "pump me up" playlist. I prefer a little Latin dance music...namely ZUMBA tunes;) but thats probably just me...

Now the not so great news…you get dirty…

I’m really not very good at explaining this part, so here is an extremely helpful video I found on the Lowes website (I promise Lowes is not paying me to mention them all the time…lol)

Now turn up your favorite tunes and have fun with it!!

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